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Workshops for Performing & Creative Artists

Workshops for Performing & Creative Artists 


“Surviving & Thriving!” 

We Can Help You to Access Your Creative Flow at Will, and Learn Why Stress Management,

Freedom from Limiting Thoughts and Experiencing the Present Moment

is Important for Anyone Working in the Performance and Creative Industries.


Techniques to share that we have found invaluable:

·         Recognising what’s most important to you and addressing why you might not be experiencing this at all times.

·         Exploring why living life in the present moment is so important for creative artists and students.

·         Dealing with stress management and relaxation of the mind.

·         Looking at why we see the world as we do; Filters of the unconscious mind.                         (Great for creating a character).

·         Experimenting with 3 C Vision; The Peak Learning State.                                                         (Fantastic tool for learning lines and digesting large amounts of information).

·         Addressing the importance of balancing your life / work relationship.

·         An introduction to a simple meditation that can be used with eyes closed or open throughout the day.

·         Practical tools that:

1. Change your relationship with negative or limiting thoughts.

2. Help performers and creatives access their creative flow at will, freeing them from having to ‘get in the zone’ or do long warm ups.

3. Sustain energy levels.

4. Maintain your innocence with a performance / character.

5. Nurture and develop your natural stage presence. 


As well as delivering these workshops to performing arts schools and creative institutions, we also invite individuals to attend our open workshops which are usually delivered over one day.

If you would like to be kept up to date about our open workshops or discuss us delivering one for your students please get in touch at: or call 01442 383 635.

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